A Low Carb Lifestyle

A Low Carb Lifestyle

A Low Carb, High Fat lifestyle is not an excuse to eat all you want! ​You cannot have the best of both worlds!! Eating a high fat, high carb diet is an accident waiting to happen! Choose one or the other…….. The body efficiently uses ketones for fuel; a...
10 Low Carb Staples

10 Low Carb Staples

Coconut Oil Coconut oil contains small to medium-chain saturated fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs permeate cell membranes to provide energy without the need for carrier proteins or special enzymes. This can be a really helpful source of calories on...
When to Eat BreakFast?

When to Eat BreakFast?

I often get asked what to eat for breakfast and what time to eat it. Fair question seeing that it’s the core of my production business at ALL ABOUT HEALTH. Some believe that it is the most important meal of the day. And I agree, provided we can all get on the...